In light of recent economic developments, J.P. Morgan Research has raised the probability of a U.S. and global recession starting before end-2024 to 35%. “US news hints at...
"Advances in electric vehicles, solar panels and other high-tech industries have helped keep economic expansion within reach of its targeted pace of around 5 percent," said...
First, the leadership of the Party ensures that our socialist modernization advances along the right path. In the face of the changing world economic situation, complex and formidable development tasks at home,and unpredictable risks and challenges...
说起信心,其实每个人的发展都会遇到艰难险阻,这个时候,就需要筑底的东西。优势,恰恰就是筑底的基石和突围的可能。 看中国经济也是一样,要说信心大小,不如聊一聊信心与优势的关系。 为什么要从优势中寻找信心? 今年年初,对于世界经济的走势,相关国际组织给出了一些积极...
Lan made the remarks during the 30th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Finance Ministers' Meeting, held on Sunday and Monday in San Francisco. 11月12日至13日,第30届亚太经合...
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